Cleaning guidelines for housekeepers – Covid 19

Cleanliness has always been a top priority for hotels and guest houses, but now more than ever, its even more important as we all aim to reduce the the spread of infection. As the UK hospitality industry eagerly awaits to open its doors once again, we have created some cleaning guidelines and a handy to checklist that will help ensure your rooms, and indeed the rest of your property is in tip top shape. Remember, its not just about your guests, but your staff too.

What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?

When it comes to preventing the spread of germs, it helps to understand the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning is the act of removing germs, dirt, and impurities (like when you use a soapy sponge to wipe off a visibly dirty bathroom sink). Disinfecting is when you use chemicals to kill germs (like spraying with a bleach solution). By cleaning first, then disinfecting, you can lower the risk of infection.


Cleaning Guidelines

  1. Wear protective equipment while you clean.
  2. Wash your hands throughly before and after; alternatively, use a hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol if hand washing is not available.
  3. Clean, then disinfect.
  4. Don’t forget about upholstered items and fabrics.
  5. Empty the hoover regularly.
  6. Wash all linens on the highest temperature.
  7. Check the expiration date of your cleaning supplies.
  8. Dispose of all waste appropriately.

Encourage your guests to adopt high standards of cleanliness

You should be provided the basic products to ensure your guests maintain high standards of cleanliness. Here are a few you may wish to consider.

  1. Hand soap
  2. Tissues
  3. Hans sanitiser
  4. Antibacterial wipes
  5. Face mask

Checklist of items to clean and disinfect (some of these are often forgotten!)

  1. In room electrical; hair dryers, irons, lamp switches, fans
  2. remote controls
  3. door handles
  4. all surfaces
  5. rooms keys or cards
  6. light switches
  7. thermostats
  8. taps
  9. Sinks, toilets, shower head
  10. toiletry dispensers
  11. Umbrellas
  12. Guest information folders and other in-room reading materials
  13. All furniture surfaces
  14. Coat hangers

We have created a dedicated Covid-19 product page that has a vast selection of products that can assist you in your reopening. View the full collection here.

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